
Sheffield u3a

Membership records

Your records on our computer system

We ask all members to read the following message, just so you are all aware how you can use the Su3a computer system.

Every member of Sheffield u3a has an individual profile and this is stored on the civiCRM part of this website. This profile is created by you when you join online or by the Membership team when you send in a cheque. Anyone who has joined online is able to access their own profile and can make certain changes to those details held, just by logging in with their email address and password. You access your profile as follows:

– You can change your address details. You can change your email address.
– You can change your telephone numbers.
– You can see a list of the Groups you belong to but you CANNOT change that list yourself.
– You can see a list of Events that you have registered for but you cannot cancel your registration here.

For those people who share an email address you can still access your profile by using the forwarding email address that we gave you. Passwords are easily forgotten so a link “button” on the sign-in page allows you to obtain a new one sent to your email address. All communications regarding renewals, etc. are sent by email even if you joined by sending a cheque, but you can still renew by cheque as the details will always be in the Links magazine. As the cost of postage is high we do encourage anyone with an email address to allow us to use it. If you have a query regarding the details on your profile you can contact the membership team on members@su3a.org.uk