
Sheffield u3a

Log in/out

In order to view your profile or register for an event you need to first log in. If you have not yet got, or have forgotten your password, click on the forgot password link to be sent an email giving you a link to a place where you can reset your password. Then return to this page to log in.

Click here if you do not have a password or have forgotten it.

When you click  ‘here’ to set your password, you will be sent to a page that asks you to enter your email address. This should be the address that you registered with. After entering your email address and clicking on ‘Get New Password’ check your email. If no email has arrived after a few minutes, check your spam. The email you receive will give you a link to a page where you can set your password.

When you go to this page there will be a suggested password in the box. If you wish to use this, carefully copy it. However, it may be better to choose your own password. You can replace the suggested password with this by simply typing it in the box provided.

Now click on ‘Save password’ (not ‘Generate password’). You can then go to the login page and login.

If you share your email address with another member so that the email address you registered with is of the the form, yourname@su3a.org.uk or if you have not received the email with the link to reset your password, please email members@su3a.org.uk and they will set your password for you.