What is u3a?
It is a unique and exciting self-help educational movement for people no longer in full-time work. It offers the opportunity to pursue learning for sheer enjoyment and for its own sake. u3a is part of an international network.
Who can join Sheffield u3a?
Anyone no longer in full-time work can join. There are no entry qualifications – all you need is interest and enthusiasm and the willingness to join in group activities. We have members not students. Groups are formed whenever three or more people share an interest, and a coordinator can be found. But if you don’t want to join a specific group, we have other activities and travel opportunities for all members.
What is the cost?
All u3as set their own annual subscription, part of which is paid as a capitation fee to maintain our national office. The subscription in Sheffield is £8 for 2024. Individual groups may make a small charge to cover administration and expenses such as room hire.
How do I find out more?
- Browse this website.
2. Contact the Sheffield u3A Initial Enquiries Officer,
Ms Clare Chiba, enquiry@sheffieldu3a.org.uk
3. Come along to our monthly ‘Drop-In’, held on the first Tuesday of every month from 10 am – 12 noon at the Central United Reformed Church, 60 Norfolk Street Sheffield (not August or New Years Day)