
Sheffield u3a

AV equipment available for loan

Sheffield u3a owns a small amount of audio-visual equipment which is held securely in members’ houses and is available to be loaned to Group Co-ordinators (“ AV Kit”) for Group use. Details are below.

For the avoidance of doubt this AV Kit are assets of Su3a and this note does not cover assets of each Group.

By way of background, all equipment , whether owned by Su3a or the Groups, is covered by Su3a insurance.  This includes such equipment in member’s homes. Note : The insurance cover requires assets to be stored in a locked location. If you borrow AV Kit you must store it in a locked location whilst not in use.

It is the responsibility of members using the AV Kit  to be aware of risks relating to hazards such as trip hazards due to trailing leads.

It is not essential to have this AV Kit PAT tested but we are expected to make visual inspections for exposed wires or damaged equipment before using the equipment. Accordingly, AV Kit is borrowed on the understanding it has not been PAT tested and the user makes appropriate visual inspection.

The EC will attempt to keep the AV Kit in good working order although this is not guaranteed. If any borrower notes that any item needs repair / replacement then this should be drawn to the attention of the Treasurer and, if necessary, the EC can approve replacement.

There is a:

sound system suitable for use in a large hall. Contact the Treasurer if you wish to use it.

and projector which has an output quality that is sufficient for everyday presentations but is poor for good quality photographs/images contact Valerie Wylie (2360726) – Aspects of Art