
Sheffield u3a

UK Travel Group

The UK Travel Group arranges day trips and short breaks in the UK and all Su3a members are automatically members of the Travel Group, you do not have to join it. All trips must be booked using the appropriate form in Links or OGS. Applications will be chosen at random a short while after the closing date. Click Day trips and Holidays for details of bookable events.

Travel Organising Committee:

Samina AslamCoordinator(0114) 235 1489   Samina Aslam
Brian CaveTreasurerBrian Cave
Dawn HodgkinsonSecretary 
Val Wiley (0114) 2360726

Terms and Conditions


All members are responsible for arranging their own travel insurance to cover the costs of cancellation (whether the deposit or the total amount to be paid) through sickness, personal injury, accidents and loss of or damage to luggage or personal property. Sheffield U3A cannot be responsible for any such claims. Each member must be insured against such eventualities.

Illness/Medical Conditions/Disabilities

When applying you must inform the Visit Organiser of any problem or pre-existing medical condition. Please remember that all visits will involve some walking. Access to sites frequently involves steep slopes, steps and uneven surfaces. Always wear comfortable suitable footwear (e.g. flat shoes).


In case of cancellation, please contact the organiser or another member of the Travel Committee as soon as possible. Refunds for cancellations for deposits or for full payments in respect of day trips, short breaks or holidays, can only be made if a replacement can be found.

Agreed Pick-up Point

Please contact the organiser if you are unable to be at your pick-up point, or you wish to change it.

Reply Envelopes

Please remember to include a suitable stamped addressed envelope and the correct postage with your application.
For day visits please use a small envelope and for short breaks and for holidays a Links-sized envelope (C5 -229mm x 162mm).

In case of problems or emergencies

First try to contact the visit Organiser or, if he/she is not available, any member of the Travel Committee.