
Sheffield u3a

Volunteer with Su3a

There are a number of regular volunteers needed at our

  • Drop-ins – contact Barbara Doyle
  • Friday Showroom Lectures – contact Mo Cave
  • Executive Committee – contact the Secretary.

If you are interested, please contact the appropriate person:

 At the monthly Drop ins (and at new members meetings) – Barbara Doyle:

Welcomer: Greet members at the door and direct or show them to the meeting room

Refreshments: Serve tea and coffee, collect mugs, wash up and leave kitchen tidy

Reception desk: Greet members, issue name badges and keep a register

Meet and Greeter: Greet members as they arrive, discuss any issues they may have, introduce to other members and help conversations to start. Keep an eye out for any members on their own and talk to them. Direct members to IT support and/or committee members if needed.

IT Support: Assist members with basic IT or web problems

All these roles take about 2 hours every three or four months, although you are welcome to volunteer more often if you wish.

Friday Showroom Lectures – Maureen Cave

Meet and greet : About 2 hours every three or four months

Manage the sound system at meetings and events

Committee and other officer vacancies will be advertised here and in Links as they ariseBrian Barrett