
Sheffield u3a

Steel City Wanderers

Steel City Wanderers is an open group which explores the culture, geography and energy of Sheffield in the form of short, guided walks. The objective of the group is to explore areas of Sheffield and subjects not usually familiar to u3a members. These include; street art, poetry, music, industrial history and the natural and built environment. Walks are usually in the period April – September. Walks are limited to 20 -25 people so early booking is advisable! Popular walks may be repeated.

Steel City Wanderers in 2024

Steel City Wanderers will be active again – through the ‘summer months’ in 2024. To date three walks are planned including: in June, Dave Pickersgill will lead “Sheffield Pub Heritage Walk #3 – The University Arms to Fagans” and in July – I will lead on “Sheffield Music Heritage”. To make life easy for myself, I intend to take booking for each one in turn!

The Steel City Wanderers series of urban walks continues on Friday 7 June 2024 with a walk lead by local author and historian Dave Pickersgill: “Sheffield Pub Heritage Walk #3 – from the University Arms to Fagans”. 

Dave will enlighten us on the architecture and history of the pubs we visit and the walk will be of approximately 2 hours duration. Sections of the walk may be uphill. There will be several stopping points to allow Dave to speak and there will be a ‘refreshment break’ approximately half way through.

 We are looking to welcome twenty (maximum) enthusiasts, and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served’ basis.

Please lodge your expression of interest (one per person) by emailing me at:


It’s essential that you remember to include your email address in the correspondence.

Thank you.

Brian Clark

If you were unable to join a particular walk you will find the details below:

Historical Troublemakers – September 2022Music Heritage Walk – August 2022Walk around Owlthorpe – June 2022
Street Art – February 2019Experiencing the Architecture of Flockton – September 2018Sheffield’s Football Heritage – June 2018
Plaques, Stone, Bronze and Brushed – April 2018Stained Steel ‘Off the Shelf’ Creative Writing – 2017Sons and Daughters – May 2017
Sheffield in Microcosm – 2016Street Art Walk – 2016Street Art Walk – the original – 2015
Poets and Poetry – 2014